The A - B - C's of Fair Fighting and Conflict Resolution by Dr. Ken McGill, LMFT, CSAT
(An excerpt from Cultivating Love: Enhancing Communication by Dr Ken McGill) What follows are some simple suggestions to assist you and your partner to respectfully resolve any conflict that is currently creating an impasse between the two of you. A Attack the issue and not the person. Remember, the other person is not your enemy, but your teammate. Stay in your Adult Ego State and respond accordingly. B Brainstorm Solutions . Use your creativity as you approach the issue at hand. Ask questions that generate discussion and possible solutions to the matter(s) at hand. C Calm things down by taking a TIME OUT . Time Outs are to last for 20 minutes and up to 24 hours, and are marked by you brainstorming solutions to the impasse. D Deal with the Here and Now . Stay with the presenting issue, and use your communication tools to resolve one issue at a time. Stay present; don’t overwhelm. E ...